Thursday, December 26, 2019


Lambug Beach  is located at Badian Cebu ( 3-4 hours travel from Cebu ) This place is a public beach you can set up your tent here for FREE and This place has NO ENTRANCE FEE.
NOTE: Because of the popularity of the place a lot of rooms and cottages take chances to the tourist. affordable and convenience rooms and cottages are located at the end point part of the shore. wherein water are free and convenience to used.  
You can set up your tent here for FREE ( you can also rent tent here ) a lot of mini establishment are offering their services from water, foods, cottages, etc. room and cottage price range is Php500-3500.
What to bring in here: Cold beer, drinks, water, foods, your comfort foods, comfortable shirt / shorts, shade, sunblock.
Because the place is in public a lot of tourist from local and international are coming perfect to time to get here is week days for less crowded. I should say that this place is the mini Bantayan of Badian.


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