Saturday, September 26, 2015

KAWASAN FALLS, BADIAN CEBU ( enjoyed this adventure for only Php270 only )


Kasawan falls is one of the famous falls here in Cebu. kawasan is located at the south side area of badian Cebu. it takes 2-3 hours travel from the City of Cebu. Kawasan falls has three stages / level of falls that surely you will enjoyed.

the 1st level falls

the 2nd level falls

the 3rd level falls

 Going to Kawasan falls ( big signage are welcoming all the guest to the beauty of the falls )
prepare for 20 minutes of walking to reach the 1st level falls
Upon walking to reach the 1st level falls you can encounter food vendor offering their food ( such as puno, suman, bibingka, ice candy, buko,etc. ) you can have some to gain more energy to reach the falls.
After 20 minutes walk your reward is waiting for you. the beauty of falls ( just relax and chill at the 1st level falls )

note: water is so cold here.....
At the 1st level falls you can take your order here if you wanted to eat ( your bonus is the ambiance eating with a very nice view of the falls. )
If you wanted for more adventure?? try to walk again and reach the 2nd level falls ( more or less another 20 minutes )
 note: extra careful in every steps you take some of the rocks are very slippery 
After walking for so long another reward is waiting for you. the 2nd level falls view
In here you can also take an order for your food and relax at the cottages. again, just enjoyed the moment and take another swim and chill.
Still you wanted more?? take another walk more or less 20 minutes of walk to reach the 3rd level falls
in reaching the 3rd level falls you will be crossing river by bamboo ladder. 
 Then, congratulation........ finally you reach the 3 level falls of kawasan. another reward to be enjoyed. in here at 3rd level falls is my favorite spot because less crowded of people. you can only just heard the sounds of falls and the birds music.
 After long walking pampered yourself with a fresh buko juice. while enjoying the view.RELAX....RELAX......SWIM....SWIM......ENJOY.....ENJOY......


Before going back to the 1st level falls. try to relax your foot in here you can have some fish foot massage for free ( many doctor fish here...fell free to feed them by your foot. )

Don't forget to drop for pasalubong items ( your way of helping the locals product ) their local product comes from natural local resources such as made of coconut shell, stones, painting, and a lot more. ( price from Php50-500 )


--from the down town area (  colon ) ride a jeep going to south bus terminal ( fare Php7 ) just tell the driver to drop you off at the terminal.
---from the terminal ride a bus going to badian ( fare Php125 ordinary ) just tell the driver to drop you off at the kawasan.
---at the kawasan pay the entrance fee Php20 per head


option 1: just go to the restaurant area at the 1st level falls and ask the stuff for the room available ( room rate ranges from Php700-1500 per night )

option 2: you can set up your tent for free at the 3rd level falls

option 3: you can rent kubo house fronting the beach at Matutinao beach resort ( just in- front of kawasan  entrance signage ) room rate from Php500-1500 per night.


--you can order food from their restaurant at the 1st and 2nd level of the falls
--or you can just bring your foods ( aron tipid......)



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