Saturday, September 26, 2015


The goldfish (Carassius auratus) is a freshwater fish in the family Cyprinidae of order Cypriniformes. It was one of the earliest fish to be domesticated, and is one of the most commonly kept aquarium fish.
Ever since i rely love to have a goldfish to be my pet. there are so many different kind of goldfish. but all kind of goldfish is so lovely to be a pit.
Goldfish is a perfect way to comfort you and get away your stress. simply observed them the way they swim to the corner of your pond or aquarium then it will make you smile. it seems that they are just playing underwater and entertaining you.


You have a proper space area of your goldfish average space should be 3x3. 3 feet length, 3 feet wide, and at least 2 feet deep. ( the bigger the better )


--- Goldfish is also good in pond ( for me goldfish would be more nicer if you put them in outdoor pond area because their color will be more nicer and lovely.
----Goldfish should not be put on bowl ( small space ) goldfish will not be healthy on that small space.

Good quality of filtration is very important.

Good aerator for their oxygen.

In cleaning filter sponge ( in my case i clean it every 3 days ) cleaning of filter sponge may vary to the number of your fish you have. from time to time just check your filter if it is clean / clear.


---In cleaning the sponge of filter make sure your using the water without chlorine content. if you don't have a choice using water with chlorine make sure you drain properly the sponge before using it.

The water you need is the water that has no chlorine content ( if you have no choice to used water with chlorine content make sure that you have a treatment for anti-chlorine chemical you can buy that from the pet shop.


----Perfect water to used in your pond or aquarium are the rain water ( without too pollution / if your place to too polluted do not used the rain water ) water comes from deep wheel.

Replacing old water to new water ( in replacing the old water of your pond or aquarium make sure you have a remaining at least 10-20 percent of old water ( do not drain it all ) then put in the new water.

Feeding, in feeding time feed them 2 times a day ( minimal amount of feeding ) 

----In feeding you should time-in your way of feeding. 3-5 minute all your food should be consumed by your goldfish no more floating of food because to much feed can kill your goldfish.

If your goldfish is already an adult stage it will lay an egg.


---In releasing of their egg make sure you have an artificial material for catching their thousands of eggs. ( in may case i made an artificial grass. ( goldfish will recognized your artificial grass as their home to lay their eggs ) my artificial grass is made of net,straw, and yarn make sure that you material is color green to make it more real in the eyes of goldfish.
---If you saw their egg in your artificial grass make sure to pull them out and put them in a separate space ( if not they will eaten by your goldfish ) used your aerator only for their oxygen.
In hatching time ( hatching of their egg takes 3-5 days ) fry or baby goldfish will be born ( tiny little fry )
---In feeding your fry. boil egg and feed them with the yellow one ( just feed them once a day. small amount of yellow egg only. or if you don't have an egg you can dig / smash  your food to feed them.
---Fry fish could not recognized your food feed they will just swim and swim until they crossed to it.
---In 3-4 months time you can already recognized your goldfish. nice color of goldfish comes out little by little.
---In 6 months time goldfish grow at least 2 inch. and their color keep on changing ( permanent color of goldfish fix until they reach at  adult stage )

If you have a new goldfish do not put them together in one pond or aquarium. put it in a separate space for one week ( just observe the behavior on your new goldfish in order to avoid contamination of parasite just in case your new goldfish has it. )


---If your goldfish die get it quickly to avoid contamination of parasite of other goldfish.
---Or if your goldfish is not healthy or sickly put them on a separate space to avoid contamination also. ( just observe you can buy some vitamins stuff you need at the pet shop. )
---You can also put together in one space the goldfish ( long tail and common goldfish to be specific and koi fish for nice breeding.
Goldfish last for 30 years so handle them with care to last them longer.
too many kind of food to choices from the market.
this are my variety of food to feed my goldfish

filter with aerator brand
I highly recommend the black knight and precision brand
( note: in 1 year or more of using this 24 hours none stop. in case not working anymore just check it, for sure it is stock of waste of your fish. clean it then it will work again )
For more of your need to your goldfish you can check it to the pet shop near you.
( in Cebu you can check it at Manalili area and SM mall )


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